Karen Smith
REGION 1 | Buckingham/Plumstead/New Britain

About Karen
Karen has been married for 31 years and has three children, who are all CB alum. She and her family have lived in Chalfont for 25 years, and she and her husband recently purchased a small farm. When she’s not at school board meetings serving her second term, Karen can be found in the barn with her horse, donkeys, ponies, goats, sheep, chickens, cats and dogs, or taking care of the kittens she fosters for the Bucks County SPCA.
Karen is passionate about the importance and value of public schools. Prior to her semi-retirement, Karen worked in school public relations. She was the Executive Director for the Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association from 2010 to 2018 and the Public Relations Director in Central Bucks from 2004 until 2010. In her recent position at the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Karen provided support for the Education Foundation and the Director of Community and Government Relations. She was accredited in public relations by the Public Relations Society of America and is a Pennsylvania Education Policy Fellow.
If elected, Karen Smith will focus on:
Addressing learning loss
Teachers/staff shortages and retention
Mental health support for students
Advocating and upholding public education
Fiscal responsibility
Safety and including in our schools
Full-day kindergarten
Resources for kids with special needs and English Language Learners
Karen is currently serving her second four-year term on the Board and has served as the Central Bucks School Board Vice-President, as the Board Representative on the Bucks County Intermediate Unit Board, and as one of three Central Bucks’ Representatives on the MBIT Board.