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rick haring

region 6 | Doylestown Township

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About Rick

Rick and his wife, a teacher in Central Bucks, live in Doylestown with their two daughters, both CB students, and their 4 dogs. Rick has a BS in Economics from  Rutgers University and an MBA from Villanova University. 


Rick has a successful career in marketing and social media for an international security business. He believes every student deserves a school where they feel safe and where they can thrive and learn about all aspects of the world; every teacher deserves to work in an environment where they are trusted, supported, and valued; and, that every stakeholder deserves leaders and administrators who inspire and facilitate an atmosphere that is inclusive and empowering.


If elected, Rick Haring will focus on:


  • Listening to students, teachers, experts, and community members when making decisions 

  • Advocating for public education 

  • Making sure our schools meet the needs of each child because schools should be fair and inclusive

  • Fiscally responsible decisions that support the whole child and leaders who work to inspire creativity and innovation in teachers and students

  • Recruiting the top teachers, administrators, and support staff who strive for academic success and excellence in our students

  • Full-day kindergarten and resources for children with special needs and ELL


Rick knows public education matters and found comfort, safety, and stability in school and teachers as a child. He believes schools provide children with comprehensive education that fosters intellectual curiosity and offers support to students who need it most. He is running so he can be a voice for students, teachers, and staff. 

Teenage Students Raising Hands

region 6

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